The LINK for these ongoing Portfolio Building Studio / Office work hours is always:


I’m livestreaming (and not recording) community portfolio building sessions on ZOOM. Join me ifyou want to play along!

If you want to join and you are not agnes scott community, email me and I’ll invite you to the session.

If you have particular questions you want answered or demonstrated or researched–you can send those to me via email, either in text form, or make a video that shows me what you’re talking about. I will address this as part of the one hour broadcast.

If no one has specfic questions, I will simply share my screen as I work on my own portfolio–feel free to drop in to chat, or you can watch later. I will come back and annotate what i went over here after the session each week.

I hope you’ll drop by!!

FRIDAY, January 29, 2021
LINK: https://youtu.be/YabAboKvmV8

February 5, 2021
LINK to NARRATED video (45 min)
covered info in this session:

  1. IMAGES: featured image
  2. placing importing images
  3. setting post to private/public/password protected
  4. menu: using categories as menu items
  5. categorizing posts
  6. tags on postts
  7. easy navigation between wordpress dashboard and refreshable site tab

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